The Scene
The Gable Verse, the Gable Music Ventures blog, is here to bring you the newest and freshest news from the music scene in Delaware and the surrounding area. Our goal is to highlight the artistic diversity and talent in and around the area while encouraging community and support for the arts.

Local Music Radio And Where To Listen
The local music scene is built from the ground up and one major part of its growth over the years are our local radio shows, bringing your ears all the good fresh locally-made goodness - and usually, for free, in turn for your support. #TheGableVerse has your local radio station round-up right here!

Bandcamp Friday Roundup: October 2024
This month’s #BandcampFriday Roundup on #TheGableVerse is ready for the change in season, with the fall breeze and the colors changing, as brand new local music lands on the web for your listening pleasure. There’s one special day each month where you can show love to artists who sell online by purchasing from their Bandcamp pages (and bandcamp doesn’t keep the fees!) - and today is it! Check out this month’s list!
Featured Bands: The Reverand Horton Heat, Cypher Clique, Grant Claytor, Ninth Cage, J.P. Reali, Sandy Shalk

Bandcamp Friday Round Up: August 2024
This #BandcampFriday Roundup is full extra local love featuring artists around the region including several bands competing in the Summer Band Jam music competition presented by Koh Show Live and Gingerfox Productions. Take a deep dive into those bands right here on #TheGableVerse.

Bandcamp Friday Round Up; July 2024
It’s gettin’ hot this summer, so get inside and cool off while listening to and supporting (purchasing stuff!) for this month’s six local artists to watch on today - #bandcampfriday! Featured Artists: Wasted Arrows, All Hail Y.T. x Anthony Danza, The Honey Badgers, Dan & Joe, Russell Que, Flat

Bandcamp Friday Round Up; June 2024
The weather and the music are both getting HOT HOT HOT as the summer kicks off, so we’ve got your monthly six local picks to discover and support this #bandcampfriday on #TheGableVerse!

Bandcamp Friday Round Up; April 2024
Happy #Bandcamp Friday from #TheGableVerse! Here’s another roundup of six local artists with new music releases to enjoy the new springtime weather! Stop by their Bandcamps and spread a little local love and support!

Bandcamp Friday Round Up; March 2024
It’s #bandcampfriday once again and as usual, you’ll get six fresh picks of locally-crafted original music to discover from us at #TheGableVerse - happy listening! Featured Artists: Rew, Devin Canfield, Melodic, Chuck N Lock, Paul Ardent, Nico Bryant

New Year, New Music Bandcamp Friday January 2024
#TheGableVerse wishes you a Happy New Year with a brand spanking fresh roundup of 6 local artists to discover, follow, and support this first #bandcampfriday of the year!

The Return of Bandcamp Friday; February 2023
#bandcampfriday is back and #thegableverse has six more local picks ready for you to discover and support - enjoy!

Bandcamp Friday Round Up: A Labor Day of Love
Bandcamp Friday officially returning for the rest of the year is an absolute cause for celebration. Please be sure to check out our latest and our last roundup of exceptional local musicians to support.

Bandcamp Friday: Dog Days of Summer
It’s the Dog Days of Summer and we love to make it easy for our readers to find new local music so we put together another eclectic and diverse Bandcamp Friday round up for your enjoyment.

3 Big Local Concerts In July
No matter what side of the canal you find yourself on this summer, Delaware has a music festival for you. The blocks will be brimming with both indie and international artists so we’ve rounded up some local festivals to add to your calendar for the month...

Where The Magic Happens : 4 Delaware Studios to Have on Your Radar
Studios provide an encouraging atmosphere and staff to help capture the essence of a story and bring out the best in a band... Here’s a list of some of the many music studios that have been established, and some that have just recently popped up, in Delaware.

21 Things You May Have Missed in 2021
With the incredible amount of unknowns that ensued this year it’s astounding that anything happened. Instead of sitting in a holding pattern there were artists, venues, and individuals who really kept us all connected to the music world and we are grateful. Here’s a list of 21 things you may have missed in 2021!

Bandcamp Friday Holidaze Edition!
In continuation of our bandcamp Friday roundups we’re releasing a special holiday list of artists you should support. This list includes both electronic renditions of classics and …

Thankful, Grateful, and Ready to Rock!
For many the holiday season can be a lonely and cold time. With covid still present in our communities and seasonal depression being a very real and daunting struggle, it’s important to give thanks and be grateful whenever we can. We asked some of our favorite artists to reflect and share what they’re grateful for and what they’re looking forward to in hopes to spread some cheer and connect us all.

Delaware Music Labels You Should Support!
Although Delaware is nestled between several music hubs, it can often be overlooked as a musical destination. It might not feel like a bustling entertainment town, but just below the surface …