The Scene
The Gable Verse, the Gable Music Ventures blog, is here to bring you the newest and freshest news from the music scene in Delaware and the surrounding area. Our goal is to highlight the artistic diversity and talent in and around the area while encouraging community and support for the arts.

The Sound of Delaware: A Conversation with the Creators of the Delaware Music History Archive
Two 13-year-old boys met at University of Delaware’s 91.3 WVUD in 1995, fell in love with the local music scene, and grew to create the Delaware Music History Archive. That’s right! Delaware’s music history starting 1940 is being compiled virtually to be accessible for future generations, from Duke Ellington in Wilmington to Johnny Cash at the Brandywine Raceway, to your favorite local bands from decades past. #TheGableVerse has your interview with those two boys (now men!) about the project, how it got started, and how you can contribute!

Get To The Gig: Concert Calendar March 2025
#GetToTheGig! We’ve rounded up info on 8 amazing local shows from bands like Love Seed Mama Jump, to Kaki King, to Melissa Ethridge - for your March social events calendar so you can get up outta that house!
With love, #TheGableVerse

Bandcamp Friday Roundup; March 2025
#BancampFriday - support bands today by buying music or merch, discover something you might like - we love it, and we have some old and new local music for you to try out in our Bandcamp Friday Roundup on #TheGableVerse!

Get To The Gig: A Fresh New Scene at the Annual Spring Jam
#GetToTheGig! Specifically, Spring Jam 2025! This special edition of #GetToTheGig by the #TheGableVerse is here to tell you about this great event with new local bands and veterans, supporting original music in Delaware and also a launch party for the Original Music Association of Delaware!

Get To The Gig: Concert Calendar February 2025
#GetToTheGig! Ya, get outta that seasonal depression and put on those mittens and scarfs to go venture out and listen to some live music. We promise it can warm your soul! Here’s a selection of local live music for February, with love, from #TheGableVerse!

Bandcamp Friday Roundup; February 2025
As each month starts, each first Friday is dubbed #BancampFriday - where the online music store for local artists’ tunes and merch give more of the sales back to artists. We, at the #TheGableVerse, then give you our local roundup of artists to get on there, discover and hopefully support with a purchase - so it’s easy for you do - enjoy the new music!

An Intimate Setting: Chatting with Marissa Levy Lerer of The Listening Booth
Here at #TheGableVerse, appreciate nothing more than small business venues that support local live music - so we must give a shout out to Lewes, Delaware, native and owner of Delaware’s premier listening room The Listening Booth, Marissa Levy Lerer.
Sug Daniels sits with her in our first blog interview of 2025!

Get To The Gig: Concert Calendar January 2025
#TheGableVerse knows you’ve made new year’s resolutions to go out and experience more live, local music, amiright?! We have just the local show round up to kick off your music year right with 2025’s first #GetToTheGig post!

New Year New Music Bandcamp Friday January 2025
Happy first #BancampFriday of the year from #TheGableVerse! Here’s your local music round up, giving you the deets on hometown bands to discover and support today!
Featured Artists: Lili Anel, Torii Gates, Danny and the Darlings, Jeffrey L. Richardson, STRVWMVM

Gable Music Ventures Staff Picks; Best Musical Moments of 2024!
“Three years into #TheGableVerse music blog, and with every post and article we are invigorated to continue spreading the word about the talented and passionate people making this music scene so incredible. To end the year on a reflective note, some of the Gable Music Ventures staff are sharing some of their favorite musical moments of 2024 with our readers.”

The Road To Memphis: An Interview with Jeffery Attakorah from The Blues Reincarnation Project
One of Delaware’s premier original blues bands, The Blues Reincarnation Project (Jeffrey Attakorah, Charlie Graves, Dylan Walker, and Michael Macartney) have been hand-selected to represent The Central Delaware Blues Society in the The International Blues Competition, a multi-day event held in January in Memphis, Tennessee. #TheGableVerse sat down with Jeffrey to talk about their jazz and blues journey thus far - all of Delaware is rooting for you!

Get To The Gig: Concert Calendar December 2024
“Get that ugly Christmas sweater out of the closet and make your way down to your local music venue for some holiday cheer.” #TheGableVerse has a list of upcoming live music events nearby to add to your December live music calendars!

Bandcamp Friday Roundup: December 2024
We’ve dedicated this #BandcampFriday Roundup to Holiday Music created by local and independent artists, and bands adding their own creative contributions to classic yuletide favorites.
PSA from #TheGableVerse - support local musicians on Bandcamp Fridays, when they get a bigger cut of the earnings! Check them out!
Featured Artists: The Avenu, The Honey Badgers, Dolphin Space Program, Year of the Comet, The Blues Reincarnation Project, King Lew Productions

Local Music Radio And Where To Listen
The local music scene is built from the ground up and one major part of its growth over the years are our local radio shows, bringing your ears all the good fresh locally-made goodness - and usually, for free, in turn for your support. #TheGableVerse has your local radio station round-up right here!

Music Shop Round Up
Oftentimes overlooked, local music shops drive a large part of the area’s music scene. With mega companies monopolizing the markets, these mom and pop shops need our support more than ever. We’ve compiled a list of music shops in all three counties to check out the next time you need strings, sticks, or a good hang. #TheGableVerse

Get To The Gig: Concert Calendar November 2024
Keep your soul warmed with music as the weather cools this fall. #TheGableVerse has a list of upcoming live music events nearby to add to your November social calendars!
Featured Artists: Rubber Uglies, Davy Knowels, Sugar Maples, Madison Mcferrin, Olivia Rubini, Ellis Paul, Kathleen Edwards, Arden Gild Hall

Bandcamp Friday Roundup: November 2024
Local musical creativity is still in full bloom despite autumn’s closing time rituals. Here’s this month’s #BandcampFriday Roundup on #TheGableVerse - reminding you to support local musicians on Bandcamp Fridays, when they get a bigger cut of the earnings. Check them out!

In The Winners Circle: An Interview with ‘What Are The Odds?’
Wilmington-based rock band What Are The Odds? placed first in the Karnival Of The Arts Battle Of The Bands and the Summer Band Jam Music Competition and are collecting fans at an impressively extreme pace. #TheGableVerse ‘s own Sug Daniel has all the deets from their origins to their upcoming projects right here!

Get To The Gig: Concert Calendar October 2024
Looking to spice up your library of multicultural, multi-genre live music experiences without going too far? #TheGableVerse has a list of 8 upcoming shows for this month, to help check that box off your fall to-do list!

Bandcamp Friday Roundup: October 2024
This month’s #BandcampFriday Roundup on #TheGableVerse is ready for the change in season, with the fall breeze and the colors changing, as brand new local music lands on the web for your listening pleasure. There’s one special day each month where you can show love to artists who sell online by purchasing from their Bandcamp pages (and bandcamp doesn’t keep the fees!) - and today is it! Check out this month’s list!
Featured Bands: The Reverand Horton Heat, Cypher Clique, Grant Claytor, Ninth Cage, J.P. Reali, Sandy Shalk