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Photo Gallery
Wilmington Ladybug Music Festivals | Milford Ladybug Music Festivals | Old Ellicott City Ladybug Music Festivals | Wilmo Rock Circus | Wilmington Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Festival | Smyrna At Nights | Fortify Music Festival | King Calaway @ The76ers Fieldhouse | Shazizzle Music Fest | Darley Beer, Food, and Wine Festival | Summer Series Events | Bars, Restaurants, and Other Venues
The Old Ellicott City Ladybug Music Festival
(2024) Photos Courtesy of Nathalie Antonov, and Mostly Film Stuff
The Ladybug Music Festival | Wilmington
(2017-2024) Photos Courtesy of Moonloop Photography and Nathalie Antonov
The Ladybug Music Festival | Milford
(2018-2023) Photos Courtesy of Nathalie Antonov, John Mollura, Heather Gunter, and Mike Perfetti.
Wilmo Rock Circus
(2022-2023) Photos Courtesy of Moonloop Photography and Nathalie Antonov

Smyrna At Night
(2019) Photos Courtesy of Nathalie Antonov
King Calaway Concert
(2019) Venue: 76ers Fieldhouse, Wilmington, DE
Photos Courtesy of Nathalie Antonov
Wilmington Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Festival
(2019) Photos Courtesy of Nathalie Antonov
Fortify Music Festival
Shazizzle Music Fest
Photos Courtesy of Nathalie Antonov
Darley Beer, Food, and Wine Festival
Photos Courtesy of Nathalie Antonov