Around The World With Brittany Luna from Catbite

As you read this, Ladybug Music Festival headliner, Catbite, is pulling into Montreal to play Canadian punk festival Pouzza. After that, they have a string of dates in the states before heading back to the East Coast to rock the Ladybug Music Festival Main Stage on May 31. After that they’ve got big festivals all summer before embarking on a European tour as support for The Slackers. We were thrilled to snatch a moment with leading lady Britt Luna to chat about her music, touring, and what they do to stay grounded with such a whirlwind schedule.

Name/ pronouns/ hometown? 

My name is Brit Luna. My pronouns are she/her. My hometown is Ft. Lauderdale, Florida but Philly livin’ for 10 years.

When and how did you get your start in music? 

I started singing at a very young age. My dad was a musician and would help my brother and I to write songs when we were around 5/6 years old. I would sing with my dad wherever he was performing which included restaurants, malls and assisted living homes.

You're an absolute powerhouse on stage. How do you prepare for such energetic performances? 

Adrenaline has a LOT to do with it haha but as i'm getting older, I've realized that I want to be able to sustain this energy for as long as possible so I have been going to the gym around 2/3 times a week and stretching every day!

“It's not always a great day on tour. It can be really hard some days but looking back and reflecting on it after some time always reminds me how much I do love being on tour”

- Britt Luna

Is there anything you do or take with you on tour to keep you grounded? 

I try to journal while on tour so that I can look back, even if it's the next day reading it, and remember what each day was like. It's not always a great day on tour. It can be really hard some days but looking back and reflecting on it after some time always reminds me how much I do love being on tour.

What is some advice you would love to tell your younger self? 

I would tell my younger self that the road is tough and long (which my younger self did pretty much anticipate lol) but that it's SO WORTH IT and to keep a good attitude and stay positive and keep working hard! but also be easy on yourself in the hard situations!

What is your favorite thing about being in Catbite? 

My favorite thing is that I get to create music, play music and travel the world with my best friend and husband, Tim! It's the best thing in the world to share a passion with him and live out this crazy life together.

What's on the horizon for the band? 

We are currently working on our 3rd record. With the hopes of putting it out sometime next year (2025!!!) and with that, a headline world tour!

Check out Catbite’s full set at the 2022 XPoNential Music Festival below!


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