The Scene
The Gable Verse, the Gable Music Ventures blog, is here to bring you the newest and freshest news from the music scene in Delaware and the surrounding area. Our goal is to highlight the artistic diversity and talent in and around the area while encouraging community and support for the arts.

Mind Your Music Business: Getting More People To Hear Your Music
#MindYourMusicBusiness ! #TheGableVerse ‘s own Sug Daniels has some more tips and tricks for you budding musicians-in-business on how to get more people to hear your music as it gets released - get to planning for the win!

Mind Your Music Business: How To Get People To Actually Listen To Your New Music
#MindYourMusicBusiness ! “You put your heart and soul into these lyrics, you’ve recorded the music, and you’ve got it mixed and mastered. The music goes live and you share it online. Now what?” The successful local artist and our lovely blog writere @Sug Daniels has that answered for you on this week’s blog article on #TheGableVerse!

Mind Your Music Business: Why You Need an EPK and What It Should Include
Mind Your Music Business! What is an EPK and WHY is it one of the single most important things that you or your bands need to level up? Sug Daniels and #TheGableVerse have your 7 tips for EPK success right here!