The Scene
The Gable Verse, the Gable Music Ventures blog, is here to bring you the newest and freshest news from the music scene in Delaware and the surrounding area. Our goal is to highlight the artistic diversity and talent in and around the area while encouraging community and support for the arts.
21 Things You May Have Missed in 2021
With the incredible amount of unknowns that ensued this year it’s astounding that anything happened. Instead of sitting in a holding pattern there were artists, venues, and individuals who really kept us all connected to the music world and we are grateful. Here’s a list of 21 things you may have missed in 2021!
Keeping Hope Alive at The Jackson Inn
The pandemic spread like wildfire throughout the world but had an intensely harrowing effect on the music industry. With mid level venues like 1984, Connie’s Ric Rac, and The Boot and Saddle shutting down left and right, up and coming original music bands were left thinking ‘’well, now what?”