Bandcamp Friday Round Up; February 2024
(Clockwise: Graver’s Lane, QUICKCHANGE!, DejeReve, Von Holden, Albeit, A Moon, The Weird Thing)
With surprise snow squalls and freezing temperatures afoot we can’t think of a better time to cozy up with a new batch of tunes for some local music discovery. For anyone unaware, Bandcamp Friday is when the online record store and music community, Bandcamp, dedicates the earnings made on that day to waiving their fees. This results in more money going directly to the artists who deserve it. Stop by and spread a little local love and support if you enjoy it.
If you’re a musician who wants to be featured in The Gable Verse, send your links here.
Gravers Lane
Delaware Alt-rock band Gravers Lane released a three song EP titled Natural Crimson on January 5. With soaring vocals punctuated by screams and punk style singing, each song is heavy without losing incredible melodies and catchy song structure to keep you headbaning. Natural Crimson was recorded in Mt. Moon Recording Studio in Philadelphia and produced, engineered, mixed and mastered by Justin Calacay.
QUICKCHANGE! is a Wilmington punk band and the latest band to release music through Delaware-famous record label Impetus Records. Their latest EP, titled Lip Service, gives the feeling of moments between friends captured in analog recordings by producer-engineer Joni Elfers and Diego Romero-Aros, during the span of three days in August at Currylands Studio in Landenberg, PA. CD’s along with digital downloads are available on their official Bandcamp page.
DejaReVe Panic
Newark, Delaware-based producer and lyricist DejaReVe released their debut single “Panic” on December 2. “Panic” is a grungy hip-hop track touching on the topic of loneliness, abandonment, and dealing with mental hardships. Download and listen to the original version, two separate versions including a daycore and nightcore version, and a blooper reel.
Von Holden
Check out New Castle indie-rock band Von Holden’s single “Sorry Kid” on Bandcamp to get ready for their upcoming self-titled album scheduled to be released March 15. You can also pre-order CDs and Vinyl before the release. It was recorded in part at Miner Street Recordings in Philadelphia, SONeC Studio in New Castle, and Strawman Studio in Wilmington. See them live, in concert, on February 17 at Squeezebox Records in Wilmington.
The Weird Thing
Wilmington-based singer-songwriter, musician, and producer The Weird Thing released their debut EP “I Almost Forgot What I Look Like When I’ve Been Crying” in November. The Weird Thing played all the instruments in the EP except steel guitar and recorded the project in their home studio affectionately named Little Lamb Studio.
Albeit, A Moon
The Light Is Bright, And That’s Ok is the second album from Lewes since hardcore band Albeit, A Moon. It’s packed with beautiful vocals, distorted guitar and expert mixing executed by lead singer Tavish Papp. Guest vocals are contributed by Dayne Melvin and Asher Truitt.